
My Sister-In-Law, Nancy, who is a committed Interior Stager/Designer herself, has been after my Brother Bob to reface their recreational rooms' fireplace with a slate surface. Bob is brilliant at many things but has had a tough time visualizing exactly what Nancy wanted him to do...

"Here’s a sample of a fireplace that I like, especially the mantel. Not wild about the art nook, though.

In my case, I’d prefer the stone to go all the way to the ceiling, but I think that the stone on this mantel would look really heavy in that amount, which is why I’m thinking perhaps smooth slate panels would be better??? Show me !"

And so we did a few versions...

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Nancy: “Love love love this site! Having a picture to show Bob makes it so much easier to persuade him to make the changes, because now he has my vision, too. In fact, that may be a good selling point for the website – the picture worth a thousand words will save a thousand days of nagging and begging the spouse to go forward."

Bob: “Thanks Bill."